Username Change

Hi everyone,
I'm not sure if this feature is available everywhere or not, but Stardoll now allows you to change your username. *Happy dance*

So basically this post is to make everyone aware that I will be changing my username as soon as I decide whether I want to make it the same as my gaming/social media usernames or something different. When I decide on that the blog will be closed so I can change ALL the tags on the presentations. I am unsure how long this will take as there's currently 150+ presentations, but I'm hoping no longer than a week.

For those wondering why I will be changing my username, here's a quick story:
I created my first account in 2006, I was young and naive and gave my password to a complete stranger who hacked my account. So I made another account, but also made a backup incase something happened to that account. I lost the main account over a silly misunderstanding, making Skittle.Fashion my new main account. The username was inspired by my cat, Skittles and obviously fashion. I no longer have the cat, and I don't consider myself a fashion trendsetter or someone who follows high fashion. So the username in other words is a mixture of happy and sad memories along with something that means next to nothing to me.

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